Tuesday 10 June 2014


Dear weird students,
I don't know what's wrong with you guys, but you have chosen to write about zombies this week. What a weird topic!!!
Here you have some questions to guide your weird writing:

-What are zombies in  a few words.
-When did you first hear about them?
-What is the best or worst thing about them?

Paragraph 1:
-Do you think  zombies exist?
-Why do you think some people believe in zombies?
-Do you know anybody who has joined a zombie cult?

Paragraph 2:
-Are you afraid of zombies or were you as a child?
-Do you know anyone who is afraid of them?

Final paragraph:
Which well known person reminds you of a zombie?

Ahem! More balanced students might want to write about something more down to earth like World War 2. If that's your case, try and answer the following:

-What is the most shocking aspect of this war to you?
-What lesson have you learnt from this war?
-Do you think wars are necessary or can be justified?
-Would you be willing to go to war? If yes, what for?
-Do you think World War 3 will ever take place? Why?/Why not?

Remember the wordcount is 200.
Make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts.

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